Corporate Governance Personnel and Execution Status

 According to the resolution of the board of directors’ meeting dated May 9, 2019, the Company established the corporate governance team, and the Special Assistant of the Chairman’s Office, Yi-Chun Huang, was appointed to act as the corporate governance supervisor to protect the rights and interests of shareholders and to strengthen the functions of the board of directors.

 Special Assistant, Yi-Chun Huang, is already equipped with management work experience in financial and stock affairs for more than ten years, and his main responsibilities are to provide information and documents necessary for the directors and supervisors to perform duties, to assist the directors and supervisors in legal compliance and to handle matters related to the board of directors’ meetings and shareholders’ meetings according to the laws.
2019 duty execution status is as follows:
  • Assist independent directors and general directors to perform job duties, provide necessary documents and arrange the training for the directors:

    1. For the amendment and development of the latest laws and regulations in the corporate operation field and corporate governance relevant field, provide such information to the board members in a timely manner and update information periodically.

    2. Examine the confidentiality level of relevant information and provide company information necessary for directors, maintain the smoothness of communication and exchange among directors and all business supervisors.

    3. Assist the independent directors to perform individual interviews with the internal audit supervisors or CPA according to the corporate governance best practice principles in order to understand the needs of the financial service of the Company, and to assist the arrangement of relevant meetings.

    4. According to the industrial characteristics of the Company and the educational background and experience of the directors, assist independent directors and general directors to establish the annual continuing training plan and arrange courses.
  • Provide assistance to legal compliance of the board of directors’ meeting and the shareholders’ meeting procedure and resolution:

    1. Submit reports on the corporate governance operation status of the Company to the board of directors, independent directors and supervisors, and determine whether the shareholders’ meeting and board of directors’ meeting conventions comply with the relevant laws and the corporate governance best practice principles.

    2. Assist and remind directors on necessary legal compliance matters during the performance of duties or making official resolutions in the board of directors’ meeting, and provide recommendations before the making of any illegal resolutions in the board of directors’ meetings.

    3. After a board of directors’ meeting, responsible for verifying the major information announcement of important resolutions in order to ensure the legality and accuracy of the major information content and to ensure the properness of the investor transaction information etc.

  • Prepare the board of directors’ meeting agenda for informing the directors seven days prior to the convention of the meeting, convene meeting and provide meeting documents and data. In case where a proposal requires any director’s recusal of conflict of interest, provide a notice in advance, and complete the meeting minutes for the board of directors’ meeting within twenty days after the meeting.

  • Handle the shareholders’ meeting date preliminary registration, prepare meeting notice, meeting handbook and meeting minutes within the statutory deadlines and handle the registration alternation matters for the amendment of the articles of incorporation or the election of directors.

2019 continuing education status is as follows:

Date of Training


Course Name

Training Hours

Total number of hours


Taiwan Corporate Governance Association

Response to Risk for Corporate Governance and Fair Trade Act




Taiwan Corporate Governance Association

Prevention for and Response to Insider Trading



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